Showing posts with label Floating Debt Speculation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Floating Debt Speculation. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

So lets talk about... Political Prostituition.

Yesterday I was at the pirate bay. I am not going to show the link because I can't really show anything illegal here. Any it related to the video above and to the link to the site political-prostitution. And I am amazed to hear about SOPA related things more than 6 months before. During my search yesterday I also saw the site demonoid was also shut down. I think a bit around the world America is trying to save Hollywood by shutting sites and by extraditing people so in order to save Hollywood. The truth is Hollywood is became somewhat of a nuisance anyway. They just can't create new content, so they contemplate on doing remixes of old movies, over and over again and this is not even news. Smosh recently made a video joking exactly with that. (See the link below.)

See its funny knowing the the good people of Youtube can make better content with much lower budgets. And I don't care if Hollywood is pissed at the World because the World is competition. What pisses me about is the level of corruption in politics. By that I mean our politicians (even here in Europe yes), are standing for the big shots instead of supporting who elects them. How far is that for the people, if our leader don't root for us. We pay the taxes don't we? Why they need to take on millions given by big shots and make a blind eye to the people.
Dvds are extremely expensive, music too. So we need to pay barrels of money to all the content we want to watch? So they can be even more rich and mess with us again. Is our choice between watching less content or pay more money? Because if we paid for all we watch we would be starving!
On a last note (and I know I am writing about my personal agenda but that was explicit since the beginning of the blog) we need to find politicians with more virtues, we shouldn't let anyone enter into politics (I know I didn't vote for half of the people on my parliament, and somewhat that scares me). Or instead we should give more power into our countries decisions. You know a bit more of direct democracy. Don't you agree?

I agree that together we could make a change. By the way since I am giving this older post link, check also other of my ideas under the tag Floating Debt Speculation. Go head don't be shy, and tell me after what you think ;) . Thank you all!

Ps: If changethis doesn't help me with the manifesto I will make it and share with you all here and at squidoo, give it a month or two.

Pps: Go watch the political prostitution site above, it is important. It speaks mainly about US trying to extradit anyone who shares illegal content even if it is indirectly? Isn't this mad? I bet there are terrorist more worth of extradition U.S. ;)

Update: If you want to know more about this Non Sense of SOPA, see this amazing video by Kirby Ferguson that explains all. (It was from the time it was a REAL menace.)

Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Miraculous Debt (The Concept)

                                 (click on the image to enlarge it)

Miraculous Debt is a Mass Destructive Debt made by Foreign Nations towards an afflicted economy.
Miraculous Debt has it name because the moment that would happen it would be a blessing to the ones receiving it. The same principles of Destructive Debt apply here too.
The logic here is that if we solve the biggest problem first instead of everyone just meddling their affairs, the whole rest of the smaller problems will also be solved.
Transcribed from "Floating Debt", written with the propose of helping the international crisis. Check the image above for a graphical representation.

Destructive Debt (The Concept)


                                           (open a new link to enlarge the image)
Destructive debt is when you buy debt. So that it can be automatically destroyed.
You must expect no compensation for your sacrifice. But the debt will be gone forever. 
If we are talking about Destructive Debt anyone without restrictions can buy it freely. Destructive Debt may or may not be tax reducible.
Transcribed from "Floating Debt" as a part of a possible solution to help out the international crisis. See the image above for a graphical representation!

Economical Happinness (The Concept)


Economical Happiness is when the World's Economy or one's country Economy is happy.
You're not necessarily in a safe situation. But your government is creating conditions for investors, banks, creditors. (The people who own money and/or debt.) Do not feel suspicious and instead feel safe, invest and do not create less desirable situations.

A happy economy is a stable economy under crisis. Various methods can be applied to create Economical Happiness when there isn't supposed to have one. Three examples of possible stabilization of Economical "Mood" are presented here: Ghost Debt, Destructive Debt and Miraculous Debt. 

Transcribed from "Floating Debt", made in order to help out with the crisis.

Ghost Debt (The Concept)

                                 (open in a new link to see it better)

Ghost debt is when you buy your own debt. You buy it with interest from your own government which compensates you when buying it back with some interest. That interest may not be in money. Ghost debt can be repaid in many ways. Like an increase on your paychecks when you retire. But mainly the idea is that your government compensates you for your effort. It can be considered a patriotic act in times of crisis and can temporarily induce Economical Happiness.
Transcribed from "Floating Debt"

See the scheme image above for a graphical representation. (Ghost Debt was written with the propose of helping with the crisis.)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Floating Debt the Introduction

Transcribed from "The Floating Debt Speculation" (even if I tried I couldn't find a better way to rewrite it).


Floating Debt is a concept that is presented as complement for taxes (in a way to ease up excessive taxation). And that can also be used as a substitute for taxation (although this can be very unpredictable). Regarding the substitution of taxes, one must be careful.
The concept explains that debt "floats" from one's pocket to the pockets of everyone. It can be destructed, become a ghost or even in extreme cases miracles can happen out of human generosity towards themselves.

Floating debt was originally designed as a temporary fix and/or last resort solution to avoid Economic Stagnation in Circular Economies. (Which represents the whole globe nowadays.)
Floating Debt is a Circular Concept also. Although a left-minded and humane one.

So what is Floating Debt?

Floating Debt is a group of theories of my own that I grouped into a paper.
I believe that we are evolving into a society which is educated and free thinking. So I created a type of "market" that would revolve about people have more power to dictate their countries' financial stability.
Imagine a world were you wouldn't have to take on a specially corrupt or incompetent governor, that is what Floating Debt is about. If my theories are correct you and me could dictate who are the strongest economies, if taxes should be higher or lower, and we could fight corruption in a system were a country's finances would be more exposed therefore it would be harder to be corrupt. With the coming of the internet, with this era stronger education, I believe a new thing can come too that is the collective mind. No longer we would be slaves of half a dozen men and women who dictate the life of millions. This could be the first step of many who could life more bearable to the man. So basically Floating Debt is about real people controlling the real money and also new steps into the future.

I also plan on writing more book about the theme, since this one just talk about the economic point of view. With everyone's help we could spread to the world, and I plan to maintain it free. But of course if an opportunity to make some to live my life appears I won't be idiot. If you like what I am writing, give me this boost! Let my book be publish on ChangeThis, so I can write more for us all.

Thank you for reading!

ChangeThis people are welcome here!

So I heard about this really nice site called ChangeThis I found it cool because I can publish there some kind of a ebook summary and it would get into votes and if in a month I could reach the 30 votes to my favour they would help me publish online my ebook (which they call a manifesto). This is awesome because I have I created last year, so I quickly set up the blog the accommodate any question anyone and specially from ChangeThis could have about my book. I'm going to publish some articles too to inform more. But feel free to pop up questions, of any kind. People say I'm smart!
